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Combining global reach with local expertise

Keeping a local touch

"Customers will benefit from a more harmonised service model, more streamlined processes and a shorter value chain, reducing costs, while maintaining a relationship with their local CSD. "

Pierre Davoust
Head of CSDs

Combining global reach with local expertise

Innovative customer-facing solutions

“As part of a network of four CSDs, we have increased scale and investment capacity, compared to when we were a standalone entity. This investment capacity is essential for developing client solutions. It is what makes, for example, a common, harmonised platform for corporate actions possible.”

Kristine Bastøe
CEO of Euronext Securities Oslo

Combining global reach with local expertise

Access to a broader range of expertise

We operate in a highly specialised part of the financial sector. One of the challenges we had as an independent CSD was being able to attract and retain talented employees. Now that we’re part of a larger, international organisation, we can offer a wider array of international career opportunities.”

Niels Hjort Rotendahl
CEO of Euronext Securities Copenhagen

Combining global reach with local expertise

Harmonisation that benefits all customers

“The current fragmentation of the CSDs has a cost for all of our clients. So, everyone will benefit from a more harmonised service model, from more streamlined processes and from a shorter value chain, which will reduce their costs, while keeping that local touch where necessary.”

Olga Jordão
CEO of Euronext Securities Porto
Euronext Securities er det nye navnet på Euronexts CSD-aktivitet, og forener de fire CSD-ene som nå utgjør Euronext CSD-nettverket: Euronext VPS (Norge), Interbolsa (Portugal), Monte Titoli (Italia), VP Securities (Danmark).

Euronext Securities er Euronext CSD-nettverket som kobler europeiske økonomier til globale kapitalmarkeder. Vi tilbyr sikre og robuste oppgjørs- og custodyløsninger og en portefølje av tjenester for å støtte våre kunder langs hele verdikjeden. I hjertet av markedsinfrastrukturen tilbyr vi markedsdeltakere en forbedret opplevelse ved å strømlinjeforme tjenester og prosesser på tvers av våre CSD-er, støttet opp av vår kontinuerlig utviklende teknologi. 

Vi sikrer at vi møter våre kunders behov ved å kombinere vår globale rekkevidde med multi-lokal, europeisk ekspertise.


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